Homeopathy is an alternative, holistic school of healing which was founded over 200 years ago by pharmacist Samuel Hahnemann. In his time, Hahnemann was searching for a method of healing which strengthens the organism instead of weakening it.
Homeopathic means can treat acute as well as chronic illnesses.
With few side effects, soft and causative in nature, it is an ideal supplement to traditional medicine by serving to activate our very own self-healing vigours.
A study conducted with over 3,900 patients by the university clinic of Charité in Berlin attests to the effectiveness of homeopathy when it comes to acute as well as chronic symptoms and its potential to significantly improve them. (Source: Witt CM et al, Homeopathic medical practice: BMC Public health 2005)
We have been successfully employing this method for over 20 years. Especially concerning infectuous diseases, repeated administration of antibiotics can lead to an attenuation of the immune system and in turn facilitate a chronification of the disease.
Homeopathy does not look at the individual ailment in question, but aims to regard the human being as a whole.
In the case of chronic illnesses, we offer a form of therapy called constitutional therapy, wich aims to improve one's "life force", as Hahnemann puts it.
In an individual and specially constructed consultation hour, we will conduct an in-depth conversation in order to find a holistic, comprehensive and distinct remedy that can persistently strengthen your constitution.
We have committed to this art of healing over 20 ears ago and regard it as a most valuable assistance to traditional medicine.